Project Stardust: Как Adobe переосмыслила редактирование фотографий с помощью искусственного интеллекта
Дата: 05.10.2023 06:55
Новости о мире нейросетей и ИИ

На предстоящей конференции Adobe Max, компания Adobe представит свое последнее разработка: редактор фотографий, работающий на искусственном интеллекте, под названием Project Stardust. Этот продвинутый инструмент способен распознавать и редактировать объекты на фотографиях с невиданной ранее точностью.
Ahead of the event, Adobe published a video demonstrating the unique capabilities of the new tool, which identifies objects in an image, making it easy to edit them. For example, by clicking on a suitcase in a photo, Stardust instantly identifies it as a separate object, allowing you to move or delete it.
Adobe, although not a pioneer in the field of AI, is trying to actively develop this segment. Last year marked a milestone for the company with the launch of its AI tool Firefly, which was later successfully integrated into Photoshop, enriching its functionality.
Those familiar with Photoshop will understand how much the process of selecting an object has evolved, from careful outlining to using the Magic Lasso tool. With Project Stardust, this process becomes even easier: just click on the object. A YouTube video demonstrates how moving a suitcase automatically adjusts its shadow. Then, using Firefly's features, Stardust replaces the suitcase in the model's hand with a bouquet of yellow flowers.
One of Stardust's most impressive innovations is the ability to remove distracting elements. The program can detect objects in the background that may distract attention from the main object, and remove them, replacing them with AI-generated backgrounds.
Overall, Project Stardust represents a new step in the evolution of photo editing, combining already known technologies and adding new levels of complexity and precision. And, although the name Project Stardust may be associated with the Death Star among Star Wars fans, it is hoped that the new product will serve exclusively peaceful purposes.