The French iliad Group Acquires NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD AI Cluster

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The French iliad Group announced the acquisition of the NVIDIA DGX SuperPOD system to provide participants in the European IT market with the “most powerful” cloud AI supercomputer in the region, including 1016 H100 accelerators (127 latest generation DGX systems). Cloud provider Scaleway was responsible for the purchase, and the machine itself was located in the Datacenter 5 data center in the vicinity of Paris.

This is just the company's first step toward achieving its short-term goal of bringing new computing power to customers. In order to meet any customer needs, Scaleway has provided computing power in small blocks, each with a pair of linked DGX H100 servers. In the coming months, Scaleway will continue to expand the platform's computing capabilities.

In addition, iliad announced the creation of an AI laboratory in Paris, in which more than €100 million has already been invested. Billionaire Xavier Niel, who actually controls the iliad Group, became its head. The laboratory has reportedly attracted renowned researchers from major international companies. The main goal of the laboratory will be to help create universal AI, and the results of research in this direction will be publicly available.